Hackster + Avnet = Go!

Alex Glow
1 min readNov 15, 2016


It’s a big day! We’re joining forces with Avnet, and we just got the green (and red, and blue) light to announce.

…feat. the hand of Ben

Avnet brought a proposal that really got our gears turning. These folks are the world’s largest components distributor — a fantastic connection for our entrepreneur members. Hackster stays brand-independent: so, still no banner ads or brand discrimination. And thanks to our founders’ new elbow-room, we can focus on the future with fresh minds and resources!

This opens us up to an even broader audience, with no change in your control over your own original content. We deeply respect your independence, creativity, and technical brilliance, as well as the delight of sharing your projects and teaching others.

In fact, we’re doing this to keep pace with you. On my first day in 2014, there were three of us altogether; having tripled that with an incredible lineup, we’re still running races daily with new hardware platforms, hackathons, themed challenges, interest-based community hubs, YouTube interviews and tutorials, live meetups, and daily site improvements. Stay tuned for our new focus on jobs and problem-solving — inspired by your requests. And if you haven’t been back in a while, come check out the feed!

So: here’s to a beautiful friendship.



Alex Glow

DIY robots, music, EEG, wearables, languages. FIRST alumna. Hardware Nerd @hacksterio. She/her